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Life After a 33-year marriage with a covert narcissist.

Writer's picture:  David Clarke David Clarke

A man smiling after  leaving a covert narcissist.

The Lord himself has delivered me from codependency and I am so thankful to him my relationship to him is something that I always wanted to have. I believe he took me through this painful painful season and life lesson if you will to show me my value and worth and to show me how much he loves me.

After my 33-year marriage with a covert narcissist ended, I was diagnosed with severe cptsd and anxiety disorder. I was extremely emotionally dysregulated. I spent 3 years in counseling and 2 years with Celebrate Recovery. After four and half years I finally remarried a God loving woman and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ fully. I quit drinking and smoking pot, p*** and masturbation. I got involved with church leading worship at Celebrate Recovery, men's group on Mondays and finally involved myself with prison ministry. My life after narcissism and emotional abuse has completely changed. God has delivered me from codependency. The smear campaign has continued and I have lost relationship with my kids and grandkids but I'm in prayer and now realizing my self-worth and I now have boundaries. I am looking at leading a codependency group in the fall of 2023 Lord willing. God is the answer.

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